Open Doors UK and Ireland

North Korean Christian risks it all to send tithe to her global Church family
"Separating the tithe and offering it to God really means risking a tenth of their lives."

A mother's worst nightmare
At any time, Charity's village Guyaku in the north of the country could be attacked and she could be separated from her children. It is something that happens to many Christian mums in the region and it happened to her recently.

The Christian women left behind after another war: Syria
For the women left behind in Syria, International Women's Day is much the same as any other: queueing for hours for food and wondering where next they can move after they are evicted, because they cannot pay the rent.

The night they came
Gulshan*, an Afghan Christian woman, recalls the agonising moments when her family realised the Taliban had taken over Kabul. She spoke with the partners of the Christian anti-persecution charity Open Doors.

How the children of the persecuted Church celebrate Christmas
Around the world, Christian children in countries with persecution are looking forward to celebrating Christmas in their own special way.

Why do the Iranian authorities keep arresting Christians?
Converts from Islam to Christianity bear the brunt of religious persecution in Iran.

The cost of being a Christian? 100 kilos of pork
A Christian family from northern Vietnam has been made to pay their community in 100 kilograms of pork to stop them from further persecution.

10 years on, life for Christians in post-Gaddafi Libya 'as dangerous as ever'
Due to escalating conflicts between the various groups that fought against Gaddafi, the country has descended into a state of civil war, and Christians are especially vulnerable in areas where radical Islamic groups are active, says Open Doors' World Watch Research analyst Michael Bosch.

Open for business: The Syrian Christian who brought café culture back to his war-torn hometown
An eastern suburb of Damascus almost completely vacated during the Syrian war has just seen a sliver of normal life return: a café launched by a local Christian.

Chinese pastors were told 'to behave' and 'be quiet' ahead of national day
"By applying the already familiar tools of intimidation, Chinese authorities are trying to make the Christians invisible."

Meet the pastor rebuilding life in the bombed-out city of Mosul
"In our situation it's normal for people to lose their hope. But what if you lost everything - your village, your church, your community, your childhood, your family, everything? You need to work hard to get hope back."

The Christian who wouldn't stop sharing his faith - even when threatened with execution
"I was going to accept and embrace any sentence the judge was going to give me. I also knew that the Lord's plans are beyond our comprehension, so I sat in peace in the courtroom," says Taher.

10 ways you can intercede for Afghanistan and its Christians
Simply offering our prayers in such a terrible situation can feel like a glib promise. However, that is exactly what Afghanistan's thousands of secret believers want us to do, most of all.

When a pastor is murdered, what happens to their family?
"Sometimes I cry when I remember my father and sister. I cry secretly."

Myanmar: 'The Coup, Covid and the cries of my heart'
Burmese pastor Brother Arkar has written a poem to share his grief with fellow Christians around the world and urge them to pray for a nation in crisis.

Djibouti: How a young Christian convert chose a refugee camp over a life of luxury
"I didn't tell them anything. I left home with the clothes I wore, and never returned. I knew what they would do to me if they found out about my conversion."