Philip Mounstephen

The greatest threat to today's church? Lack of imagination
We are very used to doing things in the same old way. We are much less good at finding new ways of being church and making the good news known.

On telling the truth â and shaming the devil
When a culture turns its back on the one true God and embraces many 'gods' then multiple versions of the truth emerge: the importance of speaking the truth 'in love'.

Why the story of Ruth is a parable for Lebanon today
For many years Syrian forces occupied Lebanon, but now with the war in Syria the tables have turned and a huge number of refugees have flooded into this tiny country.

Evangelism And Mission: Why They Aren't So Different After All
Mission was once a fairly specifically Christian word. Now its usage has become general. Has it become so general as to be useless?

Religious Freedom Means Freedom To Think, And We Should Use It
'Thoughtcrime' is the idea that the holding of a thought or a belief, without even expressing it, can in itself be a crime.