Ruth Gledhill

Restored church for ancient Christian community lifts hopes of new unity in Cyprus
Restored church for ancient Christian community lifts hopes of new unity in Cyprus

A restored 14th century church of Ayia Marina Skyllouras in Nicosia, Cyprus has been handed to the island's tiny Maronite Christian community.

Ancient Christian frescoes in the catacombs of Rome unveiled to the world for first time in centuries
Ancient Christian frescoes in the catacombs of Rome unveiled to the world for first time in centuries

Laser technology has been used to reveal Christian frescoes from centuries ago, hidden until now in the underground tunnels of the catacombs of Rome.

Mosque proposal that led to Southern Baptist controversy gets the go-ahead
Mosque proposal that led to Southern Baptist controversy gets the go-ahead

The controversial mosque proposal that became caught up in a row between Russell Moore and the Southern Baptist leadership is to go ahead.

Former Church of England cathedral canon found dead in suspected murder-suicide
Former Church of England cathedral canon found dead in suspected murder-suicide

A former canon of Leicester Cathedral and her husband have been found dead in what is believed to have been a murder-suicide.

\'I encountered Jesus at the age of 10 and he gave me the gift of joy\': The Archbishop of York prays for the Kingdom
'I encountered Jesus at the age of 10 and he gave me the gift of joy': The Archbishop of York prays for the Kingdom

Archbishop Sentamu on the joy of faith as Christians are being urged to write their own prayers to celebrate God's love during the Thy Kingdom Come global prayer event.

Archbishop of Canterbury: \'We mourn, we lament, we cry out for the injured and bereaved in Manchester\'
Archbishop of Canterbury: 'We mourn, we lament, we cry out for the injured and bereaved in Manchester'

In the week of the terrible attack in Manchester, Justin Welby reflects on the importance of coming together in prayer for people to know God's love.

Children among 26 Christians killed in cold blood by gunmen in Egypt while on pilgrimage to ancient monastery

'I think one gets to a stage where there is just very little to say. It is heartless, cruel, unimaginable. But it is an indication of where we are in the world.' Bishop Angaelos talks to Christian Today on the latest terror attack.

As Ramadan begins, Christians are signing up to \'Lovefast\' – a way to unveil Jesus to Muslims
As Ramadan begins, Christians are signing up to 'Lovefast' – a way to unveil Jesus to Muslims

With Ramadan beginning tomorrow, hundreds of Christians are signing up to the Mahabba Network's 'Lovefast' scheme to show friendship and outreach to Muslims during Ramadan.

\'We trust Jesus to walk with you\': Persecuted Christians around the world pray for Manchester
'We trust Jesus to walk with you': Persecuted Christians around the world pray for Manchester

Normally, it is Christians in the West who are accustomed to being asked to pray for their persecuted brothers and sisters around the world. But now, persecuted Christians are themselves joining in prayer – for the victims of the Manchester terror attack.

Amid the rubble of an Iraqi town, it seemed all was destroyed. But then they found a sign of hope – a crucifix
Amid the rubble of an Iraqi town, it seemed all was destroyed. But then they found a sign of hope – a crucifix

A battered wooden cross bearing a figure of the crucified Christ was discovered peeking from the rubble left by Islamic State outside St George's Church near Alqosh in Iraq.

What is worse for Christians – the guilt of sin, or the shame of being found out?
What is worse for Christians – the guilt of sin, or the shame of being found out?

It turns out that Americans are motivated more by feelings of shame than conscience, according to a new study.

Abuse victims are \'spiteful\' boys who were rejected by priests, claims Vatican envoy
Abuse victims are 'spiteful' boys who were rejected by priests, claims Vatican envoy

Some children who have accused priests of child sex abuse are no more than 'spiteful' boys who fell in love with priests and were rejected, according to a Vatican envoy.

Berlin security stepped up as Barack Obama and Angela Merkel prepare to debate the Reformation
Berlin security stepped up as Barack Obama and Angela Merkel prepare to debate the Reformation

Security in Berlin has been stepped up in Berlin as Germany's capital prepares to welcome the former US President Barack Obama, visiting Berlin for the 500th anniversary celebrations of the Reformation.

Justin Bieber fans beg him to cancel London gig after Manchester attack
Justin Bieber fans beg him to cancel London gig after Manchester attack

Bieber fans are frightened for the star's safety, and the safety of his fans, after Ariane Grande's concert was targeted. She has now suspended her own world tour.

\'Rip them up!\' Franklin Graham says students who walked out on Vice President Pence should lose their degrees
'Rip them up!' Franklin Graham says students who walked out on Vice President Pence should lose their degrees

Franklin Graham has opened up about his anger at the students who staged a walked-out during an address by Vice President Mike Pence at the University of Notre Dame.

9 top tweets about President Donald Trump and the viral \'glowing orb\'
9 top tweets about President Donald Trump and the viral 'glowing orb'

Donald Trump almost broke the Internet when he was filmed with his hands on a glowing globe, along with the President of Egypt and the King of Saudi Arabia.