Ruth Gledhill

Don\'t Let The Stress Of Christmas Take Your Mind Off Refugees, Says Archbishop Of York
Don't Let The Stress Of Christmas Take Your Mind Off Refugees, Says Archbishop Of York

The Archbishop of York has urged people suffering from stress at Christmas not to forget about refugees and others in need of help.

Police Say Australian Christian Lobby Explosion \'Not Religiously Motivated\', ACL Is Not Convinced
Police Say Australian Christian Lobby Explosion 'Not Religiously Motivated', ACL Is Not Convinced

Police have insisted that an incident where a van exploded after being driven into the office of a Christian group that campaigns for a traditional definition of marriage was not "politically, religiously or ideologically motivated".

Rare Bowl From Just Before Time Of Christ Dug Up In Ancient Heart Of Jerusalem
Rare Bowl From Just Before Time Of Christ Dug Up In Ancient Heart Of Jerusalem

The Israel Antiquities Authority found the bowl with the inscription "Hyrcanus" in the Givʽati Parking Lot currently being excavated at the City of David. The dig is one of the largest taking place in Jerusalem.

Bishop Appeals For Cash To Make Refugees Welcome In Winchester
Bishop Appeals For Cash To Make Refugees Welcome In Winchester

Bishop of Winchester Tim Dakin has launched a special Christmas Appeal to raise funds for further resettlement of refugees in his diocese.

Millions At Risk Of Starving To Death In Neglected Humanitarian Crises Around The World
Millions At Risk Of Starving To Death In Neglected Humanitarian Crises Around The World

Terrible suffering afflicts many regions of the world, and some are noticed by the wider world more often than others.

Donald Trump Inauguration To Climax In Christian Service At National Cathedral In Washington
Donald Trump Inauguration To Climax In Christian Service At National Cathedral In Washington

Donald Trump has pledged to "make America great again" - and if nothing else, his inauguration certainly promises to be one of the greatest parties ever.

Prophecies Of Doom Circulate In Italy After Failed Miracle Of Saint\'s Blood
Prophecies Of Doom Circulate In Italy After Failed Miracle Of Saint's Blood

Fears of more earthquakes in Italy, cholera and other prophecies of doom circulated on social media after the blood of San Gennaro failed to liquefy.

Stop Extremist Preachers From Coming To Britain, Says MP
Stop Extremist Preachers From Coming To Britain, Says MP

A prominent Member of Parliament is demanding to know how a Sunni Muslim preacher with a history of inciting religious hatred can be allowed to enter Britain.

From Ancient To Modern - New Cash Grants Help Save Some Of Britain\'s Loveliest Churches
From Ancient To Modern - New Cash Grants Help Save Some Of Britain's Loveliest Churches

Why St Laurence Catford needs the help of the National Churches Trust: "There will also no longer be the worry that lumps of glass could fall onto the heads of members of the congregation."

Leading Evangelicals Plead With Donald Trump To Withdraw Scott Pruitt From Environment Protection Agency
Leading Evangelicals Plead With Donald Trump To Withdraw Scott Pruitt From Environment Protection Agency

A group of evangelical church and lay leaders in the US has called on Donald Trump to reconsider his choice of climate change skeptic Scott Pruitt to head the Environmental Protection Agency.

Why Does The Church Of England Have So Few Black Clergy? Is it Institutionally Racist?
Why Does The Church Of England Have So Few Black Clergy? Is it Institutionally Racist?

The Anglican chaplain to the Speaker of the House of Commons has suggested the Church of England could be institutionally racist because of the small numer of black or ethnic minority clergy in senior positions.

Archbishops George Carey And Desmond Tutu Removed From King\'s College London Display In \'Gaystapo\' Row
Archbishops George Carey And Desmond Tutu Removed From King's College London Display In 'Gaystapo' Row

Former Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey was "fully supportive" of the decision to remove his portrait from the front of King's College, London.

Which Countries Enjoy Christmas Most – And Least? The Answers May Surprise You
Which Countries Enjoy Christmas Most – And Least? The Answers May Surprise You

All countries agree that one of the best things about Christmas is seeing family and friends. But after that, views on what people prefer about the festive season that marks the birth of Christ vary considerably.

First Nigerian Bishop In Church of England Counters Islamist Terror With Message Of Love In Jesus Christ
First Nigerian Bishop In Church of England Counters Islamist Terror With Message Of Love In Jesus Christ

The first ever Nigerian chosen to be a bishop in the Church of England today spoke of how God is with those suffering pain and loss in Berlin.

Oscar Romero\'s Aide Guilty Of Child Sex Abuse, Vatican Inquiry Concludes
Oscar Romero's Aide Guilty Of Child Sex Abuse, Vatican Inquiry Concludes

Two Catholic priests and a bishop from San Salvador have been removed from the priesthood after being found guilty of sexual abuse.

The Christian Roots Of The \'Fascinating\' New Buildings Listed by Historic England
The Christian Roots Of The 'Fascinating' New Buildings Listed by Historic England

Britain's public heritage body has published its list of the most "fascinating" places of 2016. And a surprisingly large number of them have links to the nation's ancient Christian heritage.