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iPad Pro release date in fall?
iPad Pro release date in fall?

In May, a photo leaked online of the iPad Pro body or casing. The photo originated from Weibo, a social media site similar to Twitter and widely used in China. The purported leaked photo was then republished by The inferior quality of the picture does not really provide intricate details, but the Apple logo appears to be evident in what is deemed to be the rear casing of the rumored iPad Pro.

Michael Schumacher update: Suspected thief of athlete\'s medical records found hanged
Michael Schumacher update: Suspected thief of athlete's medical records found hanged

Fans of the Formula One racing superstar Michael Schumacher can now relax as reports reveal that the racer is showing signs of recovery. Hospitalized and in coma since the tragic skiing accident he encountered in the French Alps in December 2013, the athlete has been confirmed to be out of coma since June.

\'Expendables 3\': 2 million illegal downloads before Aug. 15 launch
'Expendables 3': 2 million illegal downloads before Aug. 15 launch

According to the Wall Street Journal, a complete and virtually pristine copy of the upcoming movie "The Expendables 3" was leaked online. This film was said to feature Hollywood action stars, such as Sylvester Stallone, Mel Gibson, and Harrison Ford.

\'Evolve\' beta exclusively for Xbox One players
'Evolve' beta exclusively for Xbox One players

In this soon-to-be-released game by Turtle Rock Studios, players will definitely find the plot and characters to be reminiscent of the co-op-focused Left 4 Dead. The similarities of the previously launched game and "Evolve" have indubitably heightened the excitement of fans.

Miami Heat trade rumors: Greg Monroe, Chris Douglas-Roberts, Greg Oden, and Ray Allen?
Miami Heat trade rumors: Greg Monroe, Chris Douglas-Roberts, Greg Oden, and Ray Allen?

In response to the loss of LeBron's departure from the team to join the Cleveland Cavaliers, the team immediately enlisted two leading players.

Robin Williams: 5 most memorable movies by legendary actor
Robin Williams: 5 most memorable movies by legendary actor

Playing the role of Sean Maguire, Williams endeared viewers to the struggles of a successful professional who masked his issues through his work. Nonetheless, his struggles surfaced as he helped the 20-year-old Will Hunting. Referred by one of his friends to become his patient, Maguire found himself drawn to the complex issues encountered by the South Boston laborer. Williams won the 1998 Best Supporting Actor Academy Award for his portrayal of the troubled therapist in this film.

LG G3 vs Google Nexus 5 specs, features comparison: Comfort or style?
LG G3 vs Google Nexus 5 specs, features comparison: Comfort or style?

To be specific, the metallic back design of the LG G3 definitely pumps up the attractiveness of the gadget compared with the rubber rear of the Google Nexus 5. Despite the superior physical appeal of the LG G3, however, the design of the Google Nexus 5 is recognized as a more practical and useful style. In giving its device a rubberized back, the Google Nexus 5 provides a firmer and more comfortable grip. In addition, the rubber will help users avoid the instances of the gadget sliding from thei

Windows Phone 8.1 Emulators package available
Windows Phone 8.1 Emulators package available

Some of the features included in the update include the introduction of folders for Windows Phone. Live Tiles and VPN Support are also incorporated in the upgrade. In addition, the Windows Phone 8.1 Update Emulators will offer the ability of the phone to select multiple SMS for the users to either forward to others or delete from their gadget.

\'Destiny\' Beta characters will not transfer over to full game on Sept. 9 launch
'Destiny' Beta characters will not transfer over to full game on Sept. 9 launch

In explaining their decision, Bungie cited the need to not transfer the characters due to the necessary changes they made in the game.

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 to launch with Gear Solo watch at IFA Conference 2014?
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 to launch with Gear Solo watch at IFA Conference 2014?

With its own sim card, the Samsung Gear Solo will be anticipated to be capable of making and receiving phone calls without any connection to any smart phone. In addition, the Gear Solo will be operating on 3G networks rather than the new, faster, and more convenient LTE networks.

\'The Witcher 3: Final Hunt\' release date February 2015
'The Witcher 3: Final Hunt' release date February 2015

According to the plot of the book series, "The Witcher" is set in a medieval fantasy world. The plot centers around the adventures of Geralt of Rivia. In his journey, Geralt, who is one the few remaining "witchers", is seen to demonstrate his extraordinary powers. The game has been perceived by most of its players to convey a plot filled with "moral choices". In developing the videogame, CD Projekt RED lured gamers by making it an action role-playing hack and slash type.

Madden NFL 15 demo for Xbox One EA Access Members, not for PS4 or PS3
Madden NFL 15 demo for Xbox One EA Access Members, not for PS4 or PS3

This declaration was rooted from the response of EA Sports community manager Andrew Johnson to a question asked on Twitter.

\'Attack on Titan: No Regrets, Birth of Levi\' spin-off release date December 9
'Attack on Titan: No Regrets, Birth of Levi' spin-off release date December 9

In an article by Scott Green from Crunchyroll, the "Attack on Titan: No Regrets, Birth of Levi" has been verified to be released as the Volume 15 and Volume 16 issues of the famous manga. Volume 15 will be supposedly available by December 9 of this year while Volume 16 will be released on April 2015.

GTA 5 1.16 online update set for August 19 release?
GTA 5 1.16 online update set for August 19 release?

These rumors are supported by speculations made by avid fans of the game series. In observing the launch date pattern of Rockstar, it was noted that the company consistently releases updates to their game codes approximately a week before the official DLC release. Hence, the game codes released on the Developer Market Place might be the sign that the official public launch of the update is just around the corner.

Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire early buyers to receive free \'incredibly rare\' Shiny Beldum Pokemon
Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire early buyers to receive free 'incredibly rare' Shiny Beldum Pokemon

The rare Pokemon Shiny Beldum will be evolving into a Shiny Metang, which will be growing into a Shiny Metagross. The evolution of this special character can be seen at the end portion of the trailer. The players will be able to apply the Mega Stone and Mega Evolve Shiny Metagross into Shiny Mega Metagross.

Galaxy Tab 4 Nook release by Barnes & Noble and Samsung at August 20 event
Galaxy Tab 4 Nook release by Barnes & Noble and Samsung at August 20 event

Barnes & Noble, the biggest bookseller in the United States, has been striving to establish itself in the tablet industry, and eventually sought the assistance and partnership of Samsung. The Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook is the first foray of the new partners in this industry.