Tony Ward

The loneliness epidemic - can churches help?
The loneliness epidemic - can churches help?

A helpline for lonely old people has been inundated with calls since its launch 6 months ago. Can the church help to reach this need?

Jeremy Clarkson, UKIP and why solving racism is not simply a black and white issue
Jeremy Clarkson, UKIP and why solving racism is not simply a black and white issue

The only distinction that God sees in the human race is between sinners and saved sinners.

Shakespeare may highlight the human condition, the Bible offers the solution to it
Shakespeare may highlight the human condition, the Bible offers the solution to it

They may reveal an uncanny "understanding of the human condition", I would question whether Shakespeare's works inspire hope for the lost in the same way that the Bible does.

The Evangelical Alliance\'s No More Page 3 support is timely
The Evangelical Alliance's No More Page 3 support is timely

The church is right to be concerned about the sexualisation of women and the scourge of sexual violence

Saving the nation or saving ourselves?
Saving the nation or saving ourselves?

Is the church's resolution focused on repairing the roof or reaching the world that God so loves?

Christmas – When the long walk is part of the gift
Christmas – When the long walk is part of the gift

Christmas apparently ranks high on the scale of stress-inducing events in life.

Does God have a debt ceiling?
Does God have a debt ceiling?

Our spiritual causes virtually no concern to the world

If you\'re happy and you know it...
If you're happy and you know it...

Knowing God and being in a loving relationship with our Creator is the path to true happiness or blessedness.

Despite their behaviour, Jesus never fired his apprentices
Despite their behaviour, Jesus never fired his apprentices

Just occasionally one encounters a boss who inspires others because of their integrity and strength

Will the Baden-Powells be turning in their graves?
Will the Baden-Powells be turning in their graves?

My dismay at the recent changes to the Girl Guides vow, therefore, has less to do with omitting God from the wording, but the utterly inane wording of what is the replacement.

Saving the planet was God\'s idea before it was ours!
Saving the planet was God's idea before it was ours!

A third of global food production is either wasted or lost.

The 60th anniversary of the Queen\'s coronation and the role of the Bible
The 60th anniversary of the Queen's coronation and the role of the Bible

The anniversary of the Queen's coronation is surely a reminder that the genuine spiritual revival that Christians seek in this land will most likely only occur when the Word of God is restored to its rightful place in the churches and in the lives of individual Christians.

Lord Carey\'s Comments – Are we a persecuted church?
Lord Carey's Comments – Are we a persecuted church?

In Britain the cost of being a Christian has hitherto not been as great as elsewhere, although the climate has certainly changed in the last twenty years

\'We do our arguing in public\' – Isn\'t it time to stop?
'We do our arguing in public' – Isn't it time to stop?

Christians should not be rubbishing others in the Church in front of an unbelieving world

Chris Huhne and Vicky Pryce: How revenge promises much but pays so little
Chris Huhne and Vicky Pryce: How revenge promises much but pays so little

It's been said, "the person who seeks revenge digs two graves".