Vicky Walker

Movement Day: Is this Christian conference marginalising women?
Movement Day: Is this Christian conference marginalising women?

Why are women expected to talk among themselves and fix problems they haven't created when the main action is happening elsewhere?

#ThingsOnlyChristianWomenHear: How a Twitter hashtag reveals two very different worlds
#ThingsOnlyChristianWomenHear: How a Twitter hashtag reveals two very different worlds

This week many voices came together on a spontaneous Twitter hashtag to share what had been said to them in churches, Bible colleges, job interviews, and other situations where being Christian and a woman came with expectations.

What purity movements and pick-up artists have in common
What purity movements and pick-up artists have in common

Picture this: a man writes a book about dating and sex (or the lack of), and accidentally creates an international movement.

To End Modern Slavery, Society Must Change
To End Modern Slavery, Society Must Change

To genuinely want to see the end of slavery means an up-ending of the current inequalities that have brought them about in the first place and a willingness to see and live differently.

What can the church do about domestic violence?
What can the church do about domestic violence?

What can the church do better to help women being abused, and in fact, save lives? Vicky Walker reflects

Why Adele was like Jesus for 10 minutes last week
Why Adele was like Jesus for 10 minutes last week

A video of Adele surprising a group of her impersonators has made the internet get rather emotional. Vicky Walker ponders the spiritual parallels.

It\'s been a terrible week for women and yes, it matters
It's been a terrible week for women and yes, it matters

It's been a bad week for women, says Vicky Walker.

Sometimes it\'s hard to be a (Christian) woman...
Sometimes it's hard to be a (Christian) woman...

It's not uncommon for women to be blamed for damaging the faith simply by existing in Christian spaces, writes Vicky Walker.