The Pit, the spring and the well: lessons for the nation's wellbeing from Proverbs 5
Jewish academic and Hebrew scholar Irene Lancaster, reflects on Proverbs 5 and what it has to say about some of our present challenges.
Jewish academic and Hebrew scholar Irene Lancaster, reflects on Proverbs 5 and what it has to say about some of our present challenges.
More than half (54%) of people in the 40 to 60 age group said that the later years of life were a time to be afraid. A far smaller proportion (38%) felt that they were a time to look forward to.
Despite the 'Jesus Revolution' taking place in the United States, its ripples hit UK shores in a way that has had long-lasting effects on the British church.
If you believe 'everyone has a book in them' then church leaders have anything from a bookshelf to a library within them.
Notable theologian, author and Bible teacher John Piper argued this week that women should not hold spiritually authoritative positions in parachurch organisations, believing that this runs afoul of "God-ordained differences" between men and women.
There are many churches, monasteries, and schools around the world that are dedicated to Bede and his legacy continues to serve as an inspiration to Christians around the world.
Jewish academic and Hebrew scholar Irene Lancaster reflects on the complexities of Micah 6:8 and why this verse is more relevant than ever.
Refugees, by definition, need refuge. And my family is the ever-grateful recipient of just such generosity.
We're trying to alleviate the symptoms of climate change whilst continuing to feed the disease.
There is a battle going on in the spiritual realm for supremacy over humanity. The forces of good and evil are arrayed against one another for the salvation or destruction of humankind.
Whether we're drawn to professional or personal success (whatever that means for us), we have much to learn from Jason Sudeikis' beloved character.
New research conducted by the American Bible Society reveals that Christians heavily engaged with the Bible and their faith "flourish in every domain of human experience."
Jesus is the archetype of servant leadership.