Have you ever experienced anguish in prayer?
It is in seasons or moments like these that the all-encompassing existence of God is truly brought to the fore.
It is in seasons or moments like these that the all-encompassing existence of God is truly brought to the fore.
"Our research shows that consistent interaction with God's Word changes us."
Willie Spence, who gained national fame on "American Idol" last year, where he shared his faith and powerful voice and eventually became runner-up in the singing competition, tragically died in a car accident on Tuesday.
The survey also found that most pastors say congregational giving is in line with the previous year.
If you keep these instructions, you will be like a tree planted by the riverside.
"The A-Team" actor Mr T preached a sermon about doubt at his home church in Chicago, Illinois, on Sunday, describing the experience as "a great honour" and "responsibility."
With the help of Holy Spirit, we can experience Emmanuel: God with us in today's modern society.
What name of God is speaking to you?
The research is overwhelming. Men are having an increasingly difficult time creating and maintaining close friendships.
David ends the Psalm restored, stating that "the help of men is worthless" in comparison to what he received from God.
I don't have many answers. But I do know that the quiet, gentle work of living with integrity through the non-spectacular parts of life will gradually result in greater strength from a deeper place.
The stepbrother of music icon Elvis Presley has pulled back the veil on a different side of "The King of Rock' n' Roll".
The degraded moral state of Western Christianity is indisputable evidence that we are not prophetically discerning the essential reality of the Second Coming as "near".