15,000 Copies of Hope08 Resource Fill Britain's Churches
The manuals, which are planned to be the main resource for all those that have signed up for the nationwide initiative, have been sent to thousands of churches.
The resource is hoping to help churches guide their congregations on how to make a difference when the initiative kicks off next year.
Published by Authentic, the 160-page full-colour book is a practical look at how to implement the vision to "do more, do it together and do it in word and action".
Covering the five "High Points", it offers resources, tips and examples to help local churches lay their plans for next year.
Leading Christian activists - including Laurence Singlehurst of Cell UK, Gavin Calver of Youth for Christ, Rob Cotton of Bible Society, and Julian Richards of GWEINI - also share their wisdom and experience.
The varied and wide ranging contributions have been brought together in the hope of unpacking the theology behind Hope08, and explain how to have an impact on schools and colleges, serve "our neighbours" and work with the police, government and the media.
Inspired by programmes like SOULINTHECITY and The Message 2000, Hope08 is a catalyst for churches to run community projects, youth festivals, family events, schools work and lifestyle courses throughout 2008.
One of the founders Roy Crowne of Youth for Christ explains: "Hope08 is an opportunity like we've never had before to work together and to witness a move of the Spirit that we never dreamt was possible - the Church coming out of the shadows and serving, loving and changing the world in the name of Jesus."