Prayers mothers can say for their children

A mother's love for her child or children is incomparable. It can move mountains and cross seas. With the help of the Lord, a mother can train her children to grow up knowing God and continue the walk with Him. But to be able to do that, a mother must also lean on the power of prayer for protection and guidance. In life, there's nothing certain. However, it's certain that a mother's prayer will not be ignored. If you have kids of your own, you can include this in your list of prayers for your children.

A Mother's Assurance

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of my children. I am humbled that You thought me worthy of watching over someone who is so precious to You. Equip me with all the wisdom, strength, and insight that I need to complete my assignment in a way that will be pleasing to You. Show me the way that I would take even as I instruct those ones whom You have entrusted to my care.

As I commit them into Your care, I trust You to keep them safe in all of their ways. Grant me an increased sense of discernment to recognize the work of the enemy in my children's lives.Give me the strength to battle against the forces that will seek to pull their heart away from You, to break their spirit and bend their will.

When I grow weary, strengthen my weary arms and renew my faith in Your ability to keep us all. By the authority that You have given me over the lives of my children, through Christ, labor the plans of the enemy and his agenda for destroying the purposes of God in my children. Guide my prayer life to strategically call forth the destiny of these little ones. Help me to secure the inheritance that You have reserved for them.

But most of all, Lord, in those times when the going gets tough, remind me first that children are only part of my reward for answering Your call. Reaffirm my worth when the world is telling me that I have no value, and let me find my validation and all that is truly worthwhile in You. In Jesus' name. Amen. – Jen

This is a mother's prayer that continuously asks God for guidance and reassurance. Being a mother is tough. I don't think there's a job in the world as hard as being a mother. Sometimes, it feels like there are more difficult days than easy ones, which is why it is important for every mother to say this prayer and acknowledge that they God to help guide them and their children.

A Working Mother's Prayer

My Loving Creator,

You know how really tired I am. On days when things are really frantic, I consider how you made the world in seven days -- and then I try to remember that you aren't asking me to re-create that feat.

Please help me to remain a loving mother to my children and to keep some balance in my life. Help me to remember that you are with me in every packed hour of every day. As I am finishing a work project or planning dinner or buying the kids shoes, (sometimes all at the same time) help me to remember your loving care for me and let me sometimes stop for a moment and just wallow in that.

Most of all, my caring Father, let me remember to ask for help and to rely on you for strength when I have none left; for patience when mine is so often gone; and for the wisdom and endless well of compassion and love I need in my job as mother. – Online Ministries

A mother who is working will have a hard time striking the work-life balance. As much as possible, she wants to take care of the children, but she also has to help make ends meet for the family. It is hard for a mother to be away from her children, especially if she wants to be there for them to cook dinner or pick them up from school. It can be an emotional burden, which is why this prayer helps a mother cry out to Christ for strength, patience, and wisdom.

A Worried Mother's Prayer

My Papa in Heaven,

I come to you with a heart heavy and full of so many worries and cares. I want to just curl up on your lap and find some peace from the chaos in my life. My worries fill my mind night and day. My stomach is in knots and I can hardly breathe. I feel like I am drained dry; the joy has been sucked right out of me.

But you said to come to you with all my burdens. You said that you will carry them. You tell us you are a rock, a shield, a fortress. I need a rock right now. I need a fortress to run into right now. I need you.

There are so many decisions to make. What if I make the wrong one? So many bad things loom on the horizon. What if I'm not prepared? Help me to focus my heart on you and not on the giants around me. I know that all these worries are keeping me from trusting you. Like Peter, instead of looking toward your face, I am looking around at the waves encircling me.

Forgive me for doubting and not living a life of trust. I believe, but please help my unbelief! 


Read the prayer in full at Desiring God

It's safe to say that every mother has her own worries about her child/children. It can be a short-term or long-term concern, but either way, it is only natural for a mother to worry about her kids. Not to mention, she also has to attend to her kids almost 24/7 a week and for some, they work at the same time, too. However, a mother should not fill her heart with worry, but instead, lift them all up to the Lord and find peace in Him.

Being a mother is a lifelong duty, and it's a never-ending job. Nonetheless, at the end of all the sacrifices, it will always be worth it in the end. Remember, you cannot do this job alone, even if you try your hardest. You must know that God is always with you and will help support you in this task. If you need encouragement, pray. If you need strength and patience, pray. Whatever you need, ask Him. God loves you and your children very much.

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