All of us have someone we consider dependable and trustworthy. For many, it's their spouse (or it should be!), a group of fellow believers in church, their pastor, or simply a friend who's been there through thick and thin. For all Christians, the number one person on the "trustworthy list" should be no other than the Lord Jesus.
Jesus is the most trustworthy person in the whole universe. In fact, He's so trustworthy that all the Christian faith hangs on our trust in Him. If we cannot trust Christ alone, then we cannot fully experience that which only Christ Jesus can give: eternal life. (see 1 Corinthians 15:12-19)
If you need a reminder of why you should trust Jesus for this life and the life to come, then read on.
1) He is God Himself (John 1:14)
Jesus Christ is the second person of the Trinity – God the Son. Jesus is not like any other character that world history has ever presented, and thus He cannot be compared to them. He is the same God who worked at creation, who worked for our salvation, and who continues to work for our good today and tomorrow.
Other faiths can never present someone who is a legitimate deity, and can only present people who they claim to be "enlightened" or so. Jesus Christ is different. He is God Himself in the flesh.
2) He defeated sin and death (1 Cor. 15:55-57)
Jesus Christ defeated two of the most powerful things that no man or other "deity" could ever defeat: sin and death. When you read about the lives of others you'll find that they all had to fight against sin, but Jesus never succumbed to it. Other "super" or "divine" characters can die, but Jesus defeated death itself by giving up His own life and rising from the grave. Nothing in this life nor in the life to come can ever stop Jesus Christ, who will make all of God's "enemies [including death] a footstool" for God's feet. (see 1 Cor. 15:25; Psalm 110:1)
3) He loves you (John 3:16, 13:1)
More than what He has done for all of us, He simply loves us. By this alone you can already trust Him. Jesus loved all of us "until the very end," that's why He died on the cross (see John 13:1; Hebrews 12:2). After being raised from the grave, He sat down at the right hand of God, and is continually interceding for us.
Think about it. He came for us, lived a sinless life so that He could atone for our sin, took our punishment on the cross, died for our transgressions, rose for our hope, and now He's interceding for us nonstop. (see Isaiah 53; Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:25) Isn't that love?
These are just some of the reasons why you can trust Jesus. He's just so trustworthy!