Despite scientific advancements, greater education, fewer diseases, longer life expectancy and more money and resources than ever before in history, this age is known not for its peace, but for its persistent anxiety.
Our generation is plagued with fear, and has become so familiar with it that anxiety has almost become fashionable, something to embrace and refer to as "mine" (cue all the references to "triggered", "my anxiety" , because...anxiety" and "I can't").
Terror and panic are things we know very well and experience daily as the uncertainties of life increase. But we can take heart in knowing that in Christ Jesus we don't need to fear the future. Here are three reasons why:
Reason #1 God's Got this
Your present circumstances are known, understood and allowed by the Lord. He is seated on His throne, above the sphere of the Earth and has a plan not just for your life, but for the entire universe! He has not lost control. His wisdom and sovereignty are perfect, even in a seemingly chaotic world, and He is never surprised.
Be encouraged Beloved, heaven is never in a hurry so you don't need to worry. Feel free to rest in the peace of God- that is the confidence that God is in control and that as you love Him and walk in His calling for your life, you can relax in His loving leadership, even when you don't understand everything. (Isaiah Chapter 40 Verse, 22)
Reason #2 God's Got You
He not only holds your world in His hands, He also holds you. Don't forget, you are worth more than many sparrows. (see Matthew Chapter 10, Verse 31)
Reason #3 Jesus is already in the Future
Fortunately, we serve the eternally present God "I AM", the Alpha, Omega and everything in between. He stands outside of time, and dwells in eternity present. All of our times, past present and future are laid out like a beautiful tapestry before Him. Heaven is never in a hurry, and the Lord is never caught by surprise. He already knows, He already sees, and He has already made provision.
Consider the provision made for our sin before we even fell-> Look at the Lamb of God, slain before the foundation of the earth. His foreknowledge is perfect, and comforting. We can rejoice in His sovereignty, and rest in His perfection and thoroughness. (Revelation Chapter 13, Verse 8)
Recently, I've had to be reminding myself of why I don't need to be afraid of the future (whether it's 5 minutes or 5 years away), and though I know that God hadn't given me a spirit of fear, but a Spirit of love, power and a sound mind, I still felt scared. Peace came as I heard the Lord whisper, "I've got this, and I've got you, that's why you don't need to be afraid", & it clicked!
The Maker of the Universe holds my world, and He holds me, that's why I don't need to worry about the future (or anything really). Tomorrow will take care of itself.
Courtesy of Press Service International