If you are someone who loves to read books, then these Christian books must be in your list of next books to read. It's great to experience God's love in different ways. It's good to hear God's workings from the perspective of others, and for some, their real life testimonials. Let these books inspire you and give you more wisdom to share the gospel with others.
1. Jesus Calling by Sarah Young
Sarah Young is a missionary. In her book, she wrote daily devotionals inspired with spiritual insights. What makes this book unique is that she wrote it in a first-person format, so when you read it, it feels like Jesus is talking to you directly. It's a splendid book to reflect on everyday.
2. The 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman
In this book, Dr. Gary Chapman explains that each person has his/her own love language, because people express and experience love differently. The five love languages are receiving gifts, words of affirmations, quality time, acts of service, and physical touch. He adds that a person will have one primary and one secondary love language. Determine what is yours in this book.
3. Outlive Your Life by Max Lucado
In "Outlive Your Life," Pastor Max Lucado offers a new perspective on how to live as a Christian in this unfair world. Lucado believes that we can all do something to impact the world positively. This book will tell you how you can help in your own little way to fight poverty and injustice. Let this book give you another purpose in life.
4. Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian Hedonist by John Piper
John Piper's book is all about enjoying the love of God and desiring more of it. The gist of the book is that we glorify God and when we find satisfaction in Him. Piper will tell you about the lifelong pleasures of getting to know God and enjoying Him for as long as you live. This will be a great book for those whose desires aren't always focused on God... which makes all of us.
5. Wild at Heart by John Eldredge
John Eldredge is a Christian who calls out to the men in the world. Eldredge believes that authentic masculinity isn't about being a macho man. He explains that men usually find validation in their career, achievements, and conquests of women. So, he is inviting men to truly seek the desires of their hearts in the image of God. Definitely a good read for all the men out there.
When you have some time to squeeze in between work or chores, try reading these books. What I love about Christian books is the new perspective and point of view they offer. While we read the Bible and hear stories in Sunday worship service, I find it enriching to hear the stories of other people as well as how they tell those stories about God. It surely proves that God works, but He works differently in different people.