Pride hurts. It may feel good for a while and may seem so retrofitted into your heart, but at the core of pride is the refusal to make Jesus the priority of our hearts because we have already filled it with our own selfishness.
Proverbs 16:18 tells us this: "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall."
If you want to find a sure-fire methodology for failure, you can always try out pride. That's how painful pride is. That's why God doesn't want us to live with pride in our hearts but to live out of the humility best exemplified by Jesus when He humbly gave Himself up for us when we least deserved it.
And sure we may all struggle with pride, but through the power of the finished work on the cross, we can surrender what pride we have now and let it melt progressively in the name of Jesus. We all have issues with pride. It's just that the symptoms are sometimes subtle and unnoticeable. Here are five signs that you may be tainted with too much pride.
Unhealthy comparison. When it comes to how people around you read their Bibles, raise their children, worship on Sundays or make disciples, you're always comparing their strategy with yours and, to you, your way is always better. This is a strong indicator that pride just might be overboard.
Refusal to receive criticism. It's ironic how for so many believers we are so quick to give criticism but so hesitant to receive it. It doesn't matter if you're the type to give out the most constructive criticism, a refusal to return the favour and be on the receiving end is a powerful sign that pride is at a dangerous level in your heart.
You talk more often than you listen. The reason why we prideful people cannot receive criticism so easily is probably because we talk more than we listen. Our ideas and our thoughts always have to have the most weight and priority, and while we all deserve to be heard, so does everyone else.
Your image is too much of a priority. Yes, God wants you to be above reproach, but He also wants you to avoid bearing false witness. When we distort and manipulate our image just to keep it intact, that's a silent creeper that tells you pride is on its way to bringing you to destruction.
Unhealthy attachment to position and title. When your leadership is too much about the perks that you receive and the respect you deserve and not a whole lot about how you can love and serve others, be careful. Pride just might be calling the shots instead of God.