The six Democratic lawmakers who have been appointed to the U.S. House special committee that will investigate Planned Parenthood have received donations from the abortion provider, records revealed.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi named the Democrats as Reps. Diana DeGette of Colorado, Suzan DelBene of Washington, Jan Schakowsky of Illinois, Jerrold Nadler of New York, Jackie Speier of California and Bonnie Coleman of New Jersey.
"All totaled, the abortion industry has paid more than $305,000 for the six Democrats appointed to the Select Investigative Panel tasked with investigating Planned Parenthood," reported Redstate.com.
The six "are far more than abortion rights supporters; these members are handpicked by the abortion industry. They are practically on Planned Parenthood's payroll," according to the report.
Republican Rep. Marsh Blackburn will head the committee, according to The Hill.
Then-House Speaker John Boehner announced that three committees are currently investigating the undercover videos that purportedly show Planned Parenthood officials dealing for the payment of body parts of unborn babies.
"Chairman Blackburn and our members will have the resources and the subpoena power to get to the bottom of these horrific practices and build on our work to protect the sanctity of all human life," he said.
The seven other Republicans in the committee are Reps. Joe Pitts of Pennsylvania, Diane Black of Tennessee, Larry Bucshon of Indiana, Sean Duffy of Wisconsin, Andy Harris of Maryland, Vicky Hartzler of Missouri and Mia Love of Utah.
Blackburn was accused by Planned Parenthood as "one of Congress' most extreme opponents of safe and legal abortion."
The Redstate.com said Planned Parenthood gave DeGette $41,485, DelBene, $19,232; Schakowsky, $13,115; Nadler, $5,785; Speier, $4,800; and Coleman, $2,500.
Newsbusters.org reported that Schakowsky and Nadler sent a letter to the U.S. attorney general earlier this year to ask for an investigation on the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), which released the undercover videos.
Nadler even accused CMP of being "liars in a long line of liars."
On the other hand, DeGette said in 2011 that she was a member of the Colorado Planned Parenthood board in the 1990s.
In addition, RedState said abortion lobbyist Emily's List gave Schakowsky more than $64,000 and DelBene $48,000.
NARAL Pro-Choice America also gave DeGette $31,000 and Nadler $19,000.
"This ... does not include the potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars more in independent expenditures on these members' behalf. This is far beyond a conflict of interest. The Democrats on the panel are literally sponsored by Planned Parenthood and big abortion. They might as well wear logos to the committee hearings," according to the article.