A new beginning and a fresh start. Doesn't that sound like something that you would want today? And that's exactly what Jesus Christ can provide for anyone who wants to be healed and cleansed of the sins, hurts, and failures of the past.
Whether you've been a believer for quite a while or just gave your life to Christ, you're going to have mistakes and failures that will make you wish that you could start over again. We all need a new slate completely clear of the mistakes of the past, and God provides that through His forgiveness.
Our forgiveness is not without a price. We are free and redeemed because of the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross to carry the weight of our sin for us. God is a just God who must see punishment for sin, but because He is also loving, He sent His Son to be the atoning sacrifice for the sin of all mankind.
Here are eight verses that promise us a fresh start in Jesus Christ.