'Act of love' amid violence: 6-year-old boy asks police officers to pray with him for their safety

Joshua Garza prays with three police officers inside a restaurant in St. Petersburg, Florida. (Facebook/Kelly Garza)

At a tender age of six, Joshua Garza already knows what's lacking in today's increasingly violent world: prayers as an expression of love.

That's why this boy from St. Petersburg, Florida has done the only thing that he knows how to do to try and heal the world.

According to his parents, Joshua has been having trouble dealing with the mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida that killed 49 people and wounded 53 others just last month, CBN News reports.

Speaking to Fox 13 News, Joshua's mother Kelly said Joshua was much affected by what happened in Orlando and he's trying to cope with it by praying for the families of the victims and the police officers who risk their lives daily to protect the public.

"He knows what's going on in the world, and he doesn't like it," Kelly said.

Just recently, Kelly said her son surprised her when he approached a group of police officers taking their meal at a restaurant.

Kelly said she and Joshua were having breakfast at Bob Evans restaurant right after his swimming lessons when her son saw the restaurant manager thanking the police officers for their service.

Joshua left his seat and approached the three officers, asking them if he could pray for their safety, Kelly said.

"He likes to pray at church, he's a big prayer warrior," she said.

The officers were also quite surprised to hear Joshua's request and gladly accepted it. Joshua then sat down and held hands with the officers as they started praying. Kelly took a snapshot of them and later posted it on her Facebook page.

As other diners at the restaurant watched them, some with tears in their eyes, Joshua closed the prayer with, "And please help us all to live a good life. Amen."

"Joshua is being brought up in a very loving church, where he has learned that it's OK to share his faith and that it's an act of love to pray for others," Kelly wrote on her Facebook page.

The St. Petersburg Police department also shared the photo on its Facebook page. "Officer Williams, Officer Blackshear and Officer Mitchell were honored to pray with this young man this morning," it read.

The photo was shared by multiple media outlets and online users. Commenters were all praise for what Joshua did, many of them applauding his bravery and sincerity.

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