Twenty years after "Age of Empire's" first release, Ensemble Studios is returning with a remastered version of the game, "Age of Empires: Definitive Edition." The game will be released on Oct. 19.
On Aug. 23, a post was released on the Age of Empire's website. The post announced the game's upcoming release date and included a YouTube video that showed snippets of what the fans could expect from the Definitive Edition. It is not a new game, but an improved remake of the original. The video included glimpses at the game's brand-new visuals, its updated music, and interviews with some of the members of the "Age of Empires" team.
According to the video, "the big thing was visuals, I would say, everything had to be remade from scratch." The "Age of Empire" team had to redo the old 1997 graphics to bring them into 2017. They also had to do the same with the game's music. They wanted to keep the ambience of the original but also make it sound new and refreshing; so, they hired a live orchestra and recorded the new music for the games. They also fixed bugs and tried to improve upon the game's old controls, making them feel sleeker and more convenient similar to the games of today.
The "Age of Empires" crew teamed up with a group of modders to make "Age of Empires: Definitive Edition" possible. The modders were creating campaigns for "The Age of Empires 2" and the team was impressed and decided to team up with them. In the video, they talked about how the fans from the "Age of Empires" community offered so much help and how they were a big part of making the definitive edition happen. There was a lot of love and the decision was easy enough to make.
"Age of Empires" is a history-based real-time strategy game that was originally launched in 1997 for Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Mobile, and Macintosh.