Anglican bishop urges Communion not to sweep homosexuality under rug
The Bishop of Manchester, the Rt Rev Nigel McCulloch, said it would be "odd" and "irresponsible" if there were no plans for a major public debate on the issue of gay clergy.
He suggested that the conference was sweeping the issue "under the carpet", according to The Daily Telegraph.
The Lambeth Conference, which is only convened once every ten years, has been embroiled in controversy with consistent rumours that many bishops will boycott the event in protest at the Church's apparent loosening stance on homosexuality.
Despite the worldwide Anglican Communion threatened by schism over issue, there are no plans for a public debate on the matter at the landmark conference, and much of the conference will be taking place privately.
The Bishop of Manchester also criticised the bishops who are threatening to boycott the meeting in protest at the presence of the US Episcopal Church leaders at the conference. The Episcopal Church has been one of the most liberal branches in the Communion, and in 2003 ordained the first openly gay bishop in Anglican Church history.
The spiritual head of the Anglican Communion, Dr Rowan Williams, has spoken of his hope to maintain unity within the Communion, and the Lambeth Conference as a vital event to cement this. However, many boycotting bishops are now planning an alternative gathering in Jerusalem just a few weeks before the Lambeth Conference takes place in England.
Bishop McCulloch said in his diocesan magazine, "However deep family arguments and differences are, we ought to be following the New Testament pattern of meeting together to pray, to learn, to eat and to share.
"The first Lambeth Conference was called in the wake of controversy; and it would be exceedingly odd - even irresponsible - for the bishops to avoid, and appear to sweep under the carpet, the very issues that are currently inhibiting our common witness to Christ across the world."