Anne Graham Lotz has issued a stark state of the nation address at the beginning of 2016. Billy Graham's daughter, who has a long-standing ministry of her own, has spoken out on the situation America and the rest of the world faces in the new year.
"I can feel the encroaching darkness of evil that is like a heavy moral and spiritual fog. It's permeating our nation at every level" said Lotz in a piece which doesn't name specific issues, but has a grave tone.
"At the very same time that our nation is enveloped in thick darkness," she goes on, "God commands us to arise, let our Light shine, and the distinctive glory of our Lord will be obvious to all."
Lotz's husband, Daniel, died last year, but she has continued her evangelistic ministry and although she isn't as outspoken as her brother, Franklin Graham, still finds time to comment on the state of the world and the Church.
The piece is entitled 'Anne Graham Lotz Gives Prophetic Warning About 2016' although there are no specific warnings about what exactly Lotz is fearing for this year. Instead the piece is based more on her general perception of the times and her assertion that, "I have been repeatedly warned in my spirit that the enemy is advancing."
Lotz also calls for Christians to look towards specific scriptures for guidance. Citing Isaiah 60:1-2 she quotes, "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For the darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples; but the Lord shall rise upon you, and His glory shall be seen upon you."
She also mentions 2 Chronicles before encouraging believers to, "humble ourselves, seek God's face, repent of our sin and intercede for our nation."