Prayer is a wonderful weapon of faith, but Billy Graham's daughter Anne Graham Lotz has noticed that many Christians unfortunately fail in making an effective prayer.
"Have you ever felt that your prayers are anaemic? I wonder if it's because both of us are missing key ingredients such as focusing on God for who He truly is and an all-out...no-holds-barred...go-for-broke...nothing-held-back...old-fashioned desperation to get answers," she writes on her Facebook page.
There is indeed a lot of hardships and heartbreaking news going on all around the world, but Lotz says people should not lose their faith in God when they pray to Him.
"Whether the issue is in our family, or in our marriage, or in our church, or in our community, or in the wake of terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, instead of buying into pop culture's attitude of 'God can't fix this,' are we desperate enough to stay on our knees until He does?" she says.
This year, Lotz is going on a renewed commitment to prayer, and she hopes that other Christians will join in. She says she is giving up for good the "casual, everyday, pray-as-you-feel-like-it, run-of-the-mill, garden-variety type of prayer" and even the "arrow-type prayer that is a distress call for help" and engage in fervent prayers.
"I am committed to reversing the thunder... praying God's Word and God's promises back to Him. I want to push through any and every obstacle until Heaven is moved and nations are changed," she says.
Lotz shares the Bible verses Philippians 4:6-7 to fuel people's inspirations to pray: "Don't worry about anything, but pray about everything. With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God. Then, because you belong to Christ Jesus, God will bless you with peace that no one can completely understand."