The Archbishop of Canterbury attacked 'fake news' in a Christmas address to churches around the world on Thursday, describing it as a 'weapon' that aims 'to deceive, to confuse and disrupt'.
Justin Welby joined Pope Francis, who will make 'fake news' the subject of his World Communications Day 2018, in contrasting it with the 'good news' of the gospel.

'This year we have learned a new phrase in various parts of the world,' he wrote in an address for churches across the world.
'Fake news is dishonest; it is deliberate misinformation published in order to deceive, to confuse and disrupt.
'Fake news is used as a weapon to achieve dishonest advantage and to subvert honest debate and discussion. It is the antithesis of the good news. Fake news is but lying and does not come from God.'
Fake news has become a phenomenon of 2017 with pressure piled onto social media platforms such as Facebook accused of fostering the spread of false news stories with a particular agenda.
The term was named the Collins Dictionary's official word of the year and is used indiscriminately by the US President Donald Trump to attack established media sources who criticise his administration.
MPs have launched an inquiry into 'fake news' and the Archbishop of Canterbury's intervention comes after Pope Francis said he would use his annual Communications Day to promote 'professional journalism' as opposed to fake news.
Welby went on: 'But we like the Angels proclaim good news and, like the Shepherds, we receive good news. The good news is good news for all people, whatever their situation in life. It is good news for politicians and leaders but is also good news for the refugees and displaced persons who continue to flee from danger and seek safety and sanctuary.
He added: 'This Christmas I pray that we might, as Christians with one voice, proclaim again the good news that is our salvation in Jesus Christ.'
Welby's message to churches around the world is separate from his sermon on Christmas Day at Canterbury Cathedral.