Archbishop Welby: Don't be cynical about politicians, pray!

The Archbishop of Canterbury has used an appearance on Thought For The Day to call for citizens across the UK to show respect for politicians.

Justin Welby was appearing on the flagship Radio Four slot less than a week ahead of the UK General Election.

'I confess that I am less and less cynical about politics,' said the Archbishop. 'Beneath the shouting and spin I rather think on the whole that there are very decent human beings trying to be effective in making our country better, even making the world better.'

Welby is a member of the House Of Lords and seen as an effective political operator himself.

Suggesting that the vast majority of politicians are motivated by good intentions, he said, 'We all want our life to count, a sense of it having been worthwhile... for me as a Christian, it engages me with the God that makes all the difference.' The Archbishop then talked about Thy Kingdom Come – the ten day prayer project currently underway.

'Some people will think 'oh, more sky fairy stuff',' said the head of the Worldwide Anglican Communion – clearly referring to a classic atheist response to prayer. 'But around the world, in places of peace or trouble, in suffering or security, in wealth or poverty, Christians will be praying this as they seek to live God's purpose for them.'

Referring to recent terror attacks on concert-goers in Manchester and Coptic Christians in Egypt, Archbishop Welby said there is one response we can all make – 'Praying They Kingdom Come is a statement of hope,' he said.

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