Answers in Genesis CEO and creationist Ken Ham cannot understand why people consider atheism as a religion. He encourages Christians to learn more about atheism as well as other false religions so as to help battle secularisation.
"One religion that has grown in numbers and cultural significance is atheism. Now, why would we even call atheism a religion? AiG points out that as a non-theistic religion, atheism is a belief system that attempts to explain everything in our world, including how the universe came to be and how one should relate to his fellow humans," Ham writes on his Facebook page.
"As such, it's a naturalistic, comprehensive worldview (as opposed to a supernatural one) often referred to as secular humanism," he says.
Ham expresses concern that the younger generation, including those who go to church, have been taught by the government about the religious view of naturalism, which is in fact atheism in disguise.
Because of this, the creationist stresses the need for Christians to learn as much as they can about other belief systems such as atheism so they can better defend their faith.
"It's more important than ever for Christians to understand false religions (including non-theistic ones like atheism) and cults, for many of them have grown in such significance that they have helped the culture lurch into increased secularisation," he says. "And then armed with this helpful background, Christians can better reach secularised people with biblical truths, especially the saving gospel message."
In an earlier article posted on his website, Ham and his colleague Mark Looy noted that several Christian nations have actually been consumed by secularisation.
"For Christians, it is instructive to understand the paradox that occurred in this shift: the key role that various religions played in the secularisation of Western cultures," Ham and Looy wrote. "All Christians should make it a point to understand the other faiths and learn how to witness to their adherents."