As tens of thousands of mostly Arabic-speaking male "refugees" continue to pour into central and northern Europe from the Balkans, many European civilians—particularly women—are scrambling to purchase firearms to protect themselves, WND reported.
Unfortunately for the average European citizen, getting a gun and ammunition is practically impossible in at least four European countries: Germany, Britain, Denmark and the Netherlands, the WND report said. Unlike in the United States where owning a gun is legal and easy, many European countries have highly restrictive regulations in allowing their citizens to procure firearms, the report said.
However, there is one European country—Austria—where it is relatively easier to get guns.
But there is one problem: Gun shops are running out of weapons to sell because of the huge demand, a Czech TV report said, as relayed by WND.
The Czech TV report said long firearms like shotguns and rifles have mostly been sold out, and incoming stocks are still far off.
Remarkably, the report noted that those who have purchased guns were mostly women.
"If anyone wants to buy a long gun in Austria right now, too bad for them," the Czech newscaster says. "All of them are currently sold out."
"We cannot complain about lack of demand," Stephen Mayer, a gun trader, told Trioler Tageszeitung.
He said his stock has been sold out for the last three weeks. He believes that the sudden upsurge in demand is due to fears about the "Muslim invasion" of Europe.
"People want to protect themselves," Mayer said. "Nonetheless, the most common purchasers of arms are primarily Austrian women."
He noted that those who could not buy guns anymore are instead buying pepper sprays, which he said are also in big demand.
Alan Gottlieb, executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation, said during his recent trip to Europe to attend a gun rights event, he sensed a change in the Europeans' attitude toward guns.
"I just returned from a gun rights meeting in Belgium, and I can attest that all over Europe people now want the means to defend themselves," Gottlieb told WND. "Self-defence is no longer a dirty word. In countries like Austria, where it is still legal to own a firearm, gun sales are at record levels. I can tell you first-hand that people in Europe now wish they had a Second Amendment," he said.
The Czech TV station attributed the Europeans' sudden concern for their own personal safety not only at the sight of the hordes of Muslim "invaders" but also because of reported threats issued by Muslim extremists that they "will cut the heads off unbelieving dogs even in Europe."
In one ISIS propaganda video, an ISIS commander tells his fighters allegedly already in Germany disguised as refugees to slit the throats of unbelievers in Germany, the Czech TV report said.
Moreover, according to Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, Muslims view women as only "good for raping and little else."