Plot rumors regarding the roles of Vision played by Paul Bettany, and Scarlet Witch played by Elizabeth Olsen, may have possibly been leaked. The "Avengers: Infinity War" has fans everywhere hyped, and any details regarding the narrative of the story will be welcomed by them.
According to Comic Book, Bettany discussed the budding romance between his character Vision and Scarlet Witch. Vision, being a powerful embodiment of Tony Stark's (Robert Downey Jr.) assistant artificial intelligence, has been imbued with one of the infinity stones — which turned him into a very powerful being of benevolence that is now sided with the Avengers. This was discussed briefly at the Wizard World Comic Con in Chicago back in August.
Both Bettany and Olsen are excited about this specific storyline that explored the possibilities of how two very powerful characters can have a romantic relationship. Screenrant even stated that if both Vision and Scarlet Witch get together, they would be one of the most powerful couples in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. There have even been reports in the past where photos highly suggested that the two characters would develop further in the upcoming films.
The two characters were seen by fans to have a special relationship in the "Captain America: Civil War" movie where vision was tasked to watch over Wanda, Scarlet Witch's real name. Perhaps these were just some subtle hints to prime the fans and make them expect more of the romance unfold in the "Infinity War" films.
It is an existing storyline in the comic books that Scarlet Witch and Vision become romantically involved. Scarlet Witch has the power to bend reality according to her will, while Vision possesses the Mind Stone, which gives him great power as well. Will Thanos, played by Josh Broling, be able to take Vision's Infinity Stone? And if so, what is to become of Vision? Does this mean that it will be the end for him?
Fans will have to wait and see the entire cinematic adaptation, which will open on May 4, 2018 in theaters everywhere.