The Marvel Cinematic Universe promises to be huge, with "Captain America: Civil War" ushering in the last phase of Marvel's shared universe. But even with that first movie still a few months away, talks about the other films in the franchise are already starting to pop up.
One of the most talked about Marvel titles is "Avengers: Infinity War," scheduled to premiere in 2018 and 2019 as it will be split into two movies, who is set to battle Captain America in the said movie.
Mark Ruffalo's Incredible Hulk is not making his way into the big screen in the upcoming "Captain America: Civil War." He also does not have any standalone movies scheduled in the Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase Three's three-year schedule.
Back in April, Ruffalo told SlashFilm that Marvel is unable to fully explore his character as Universal still had rights to the Incredible Hulk. But that issue was already cleared in a Forbes article published in June.
This is probably why there are now more talks of the green giant making his way into more films, one of which is "Thor: Ragnarok," which will feature him heavily, according to sepculations.
It looks like the same is also about to happen in "Avengers: Infinity War" parts one and two. Not much is known about the two-parter film except snippets from the comic book event series of the same title. But some have already thought about how the Hulk will factor into the film.
Moviepilot wrote an article that served to remind readers that the Hulk has, in one form or another, battled with a fellow Avenger in every movie: with Thor in "The Avengers" and with Iron Man in "Avengers: Age of Ultron." That means Bruce Banner's alter-ego is only left with one more Avenger to fight with, and that is Captain America.
That remains a really heavy speculation at the moment. So far, in the comic books, there is nothing to suggest a fight between the two 'original' Avengers. The "Infinity War" series is about the heroes' attempt at stopping supervillains from using the Infinity Gauntlet for universal conquest.
Stay tuned for more updates on "Avengers: Infinity War," scheduled for showing on May 4, 2018 (Part 1) and May 3, 2019 (Part 2). In the meantime, the first Phase Three movie, "Captain America: Civil War" is premiering on May 6, 2016.