Members of Bangor Cathedral choir in Wales claim that they have been 'snubbed' by the BBC's Songs of Praise after they were not asked to perform in the programme which is due to be recorded in Bangor on March 5.
The BBC has instead asked a local choir, Cor Glanaethwy, from an arts school, to perform in the show, which is due to be broadcast over Easter weekend.

The cathedral choir, which consists of around 20 children as well as adult members, has been invited by the BBC to sing as part of the congregation, but its members are reportedly upset.
One young singer described the move as 'disrespectful'. In a letter to the cathedral reported by the BBC, the child, who asked to remain anonymous, said: 'Songs of Praise is a Christian television programme, and cathedral choir is a Christian choir. Yet the choir has not been asked to sing in Songs of Praise, which is a snub to the choir.'
The dean of Bangor cathedral, Kathy Jones, said: 'We are delighted that Songs of Praise are going to be recording at Bangor Cathedral and that a number of groups from the community are taking part.'
A BBC spokesperson said: 'Songs of Praise films in different cathedrals across the UK often working with a number of choirs in a location and on this occasion, we are filming with Ysgol Glanaethwy.
'All the local choirs, including the Bangor Cathedral choir, have been invited to be part of the congregation singing the hymns.'
Bangor Cathedral choir has existed since at least the mid-14th Century, and has around 20 boys and girls singing regularly as well as adult members.