There's no limit as to how many times we should pray in a day. There's also no specific time required to pray to God. However, each and every one of us has his or her preferences when it comes to praying. At the end of the day, what matters most is that you were able to have a personal conversation with God.

Nonetheless, if you ask me, my favorite time to pray is before I sleep. Why? It allows me to look back on the day that has passed and it makes me reflect better. I pray about what happened, my worries, the challenges I overcame that day, how thankful I am and more importantly, how I look forward to better things the next day.
So today, I'd like to share with you 5 bedtime prayers that you and your family can share before sleeping. Here they are:
1. A Child's Bedtime Prayer
This prayeris perfect for the little ones who are still learning about our Lord God. The prayer uses simple rhymes, which I'm sure your little one will master without a hitch.
A Child's Bedtime Prayer
Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray to God my soul to take. If I should live for other days, I pray the Lord to guide my ways.
Father, unto thee I pray, Thou hast guarded me all day; Safe I am while in thy sight, Safely let me sleep tonight. Bless my friends, the whole world bless; Help me to learn helpfulness; Keep me every in thy sight; So to all I say good night.
2. A Short Protection Prayer
Evil things are everywhere which is why we must be persistent and consistent when it comes to asking God and his angels to protect our family. It is only through Himthat we can find comfort and peace of mind that we will indeed be safe and protected in God's hands.
Through Him
Dear Lord,
The evening comes, the day is done. Let peace wash over my household throughout the dark of night and in the few still hours of the next morning. Wipe away our troubles. Cleanse us of worry and doubt. Through You, may Your magnificent good be our protection forever more.
3. A Family's Prayer
One of the best feelings in the world is to pray together with your family, whether it'd be before meals, after bible study or before going to sleep. I've always believed in the saying that "a family that prays together, stays together." There's this extra special comfort you feel when you see each other professing faith and love to God all at the same time. Share this Good Night Prayer to your family tonight.
Good Night Prayer
You bless us as we rest Restore us as we sleep You care for us as we drift off And make our dreaming sweet
You are the safest place You are the God of Grace Forgiven, loved and held by you Is each small seed of faith
You know our thoughts and feelings You see our deep desires You understand our weariness And catch each tear we cry
You walk beside us every day You are a constant friend You stay with us all through the night On you we can depend
4. A Thankful Prayer
At the end of everyday, what we should never forget to do is thank God for all the blessings he has given us. Actually, we should also thank him for the not-so good things that happened because these things happen for a reason. I really like this Thankful Prayer and I hope your family will include this prayer in your prayer routine too.
Father, We Thank Thee
Father, we thank thee for the night, And for the pleasant morning light; For rest and food and loving care, And all that makes the day so fair.
Help us to do the things we should, To be to others kind and good; In all we do, in work or play, To grow more loving every day.
Rebecca Weston – 1890
5. A Prayer for Sleepless Nights
There are nights when we really can't sleep. Our worries and anxious thoughts take over our minds and it makes our hearts restless. If you always experience this before going to bed, I suggest you try this prayer to calm your heart, mind and spirit.
Dear Father,
I can't sleep.
I'm tossing and turning. Again.
I'm so thankful You never grow weary
And You never sleep.
I'm thankful that You are here with me right now,
Even when my mind won't stop churning...
And my head won't stop spinning.
Even when I know that worrying gets me nowhere
And my heart needs to rely on You.
I need You- the Good Shepherd-
Because counting sheep just doesn't work.
Would you comfort my heart as only You can?
Will you rescue me from my own spiral of thoughts?
For I know that when I rest in You,
peace like a river overflows my soul and
I can praise You in advance for sweet rest.
When our day comes to an end, let's not forget what really matters the most--praying to our Lord Jesus Christ. Let Him take away your worries, strengthen your heart to overcome troubles and encourage you to look forward to more purposeful days ahead.