The Seewald family from the TLC documentary "Jill and Jessa: Counting On" celebrated Thanksgiving for the first time on Thursday with their brand-new baby Spurgeon Elliot.
Christian couple Ben and Jessa gushed about the amazing presence their son has in their lives in the Seewald Family Blog, reminding them of the big sacrifice God made to save mankind from sin.
"This Thanksgiving, one of the things we are grateful for is our precious little son, Spurgeon Elliot. Knowing how much we love our son already only amazes us all the more that God gave His only Son, Jesus Christ to redeem mankind. We are so thankful for His love, and forgiveness extended to all of us," they write.
"This Thanksgiving we are so happy to be parents! Children are a blessing from the Lord. As we embark on this journey of parenthood, we appreciate all of your prayers. We pray that God would give us the wisdom to be good parents. From our family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving!" the couple adds.
Meanwhile, Jessa expressed her grateful to have Ben as her partner in life. She appreciates him more now that they have Spurgeon in their lives, saying that Ben has really stepped up to the role of father.
On her Instagram account (@jessaseewald), she shared a photo of Ben cradling Spurgeon and writes, "I'm so thankful to God for giving me you, Babe! You're a gem! I'm so grateful to be married to such a sweet, godly man! These past three weeks have been so precious to me as I have watched you love and care for our son. From his middle of the night diaper changes to his sweet cuddle times with daddy, it melts my heart to see the interaction between you two! You're such a good daddy! I can't even begin to put into words how much you mean to me! I'm so happy you're mine. I feel like the most blessed girl on earth!"