Ben Seewald, star of the new Duggar show "Jill and Jessa: Counting On," has given some advice to Christians on how to live during these "uncertain times."
On the Seewald Family Blog, Seewald writes, "Many Americans have little confidence about the future of our nation. Our country is drifting further and further away from God. Abortion has been legal since 1973. Our public schools have sought to banish God from their campuses. Racism, greed, corruption, STD's, murders, robberies, and terrorist attacks are [becoming] more and more the norm. Many are wondering what will become of this nation in the next few decades."
Despite all the bad things that are happening, Seewald says it's crucial for Christians to remember who they are in Christ, and what He has called on them to do.
"This is important because as redeemed sinners, saved by God's grace, we have a real and living hope! The world desperately needs this hope. This hope is found in Christ alone. Christian, YOU have been commissioned to share this hope," he says.
God has made an appeal to Christians to proclaim the good news of salvation. "This salvation is given freely to all who turn away from their sin, and trust Jesus to save them. It is a free gift of grace. It is not to be earned by righteous living. Jesus did all that was required. What a glorious appeal this is!" he says.
Even though the world is falling into pieces, Seewald says Christians should not despair because their kingdom in heaven with God is everlasting.
"Because we are ambassadors for Christ, we should sympathize with those around us. We want them to know that we care about them because God cares about them, and is calling them to be reconciled to Him," he says. "We should do our best to avoid unnecessary conflict and obey the laws of the land (so long as they don't conflict with our King's laws), because this is what our King has commanded us to do."
Seewald encourages Christians to study the passages of Scripture and prayerfully meditate on what it truly means to be children of God, and how this should affect their daily lives.
"Christian, do not despair! Remember your hope. Rejoice in your hope. Share your hope! The world needs Jesus. Nations rise, and nations fall, but the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church, made up of all believers worldwide. The Kingdom of God is not threatened. King Jesus shall reign forever and ever. We are His ambassadors, so let us implore the lost to be reconciled to God," he says.