Beyoncé shows new 'Freedom' video revealing harrowing statistics about female

Beyoncé releases women empowerment video in celebration of International Day of the Girl on Oct. 11. Reuters/Lucas Jackson

Much like in her song "Run the World (Girls)," singer Beyoncé released a video empowering women in line with the celebration of the International Day of the Girl on Wednesday, Oct. 11.

The new music video for Beyoncé's 2016 song "Freedom" features girls dancing and lip syncing. It was produced in collaboration with Chime for Change and The Global Goals to show the pressing issues that women of all ages face.

The clip presents some distressing and alarming facts and numbers about women, revealing the underlying issues females face. It notes that a girl dies every five minutes because of violence; one out of four gets married as a child; females comprise majority of human trafficking victims; 63 million women went through genital mutilation; and that there are 130 million out of school girls.

Basically, it aims to raise awareness on the problems being encountered by girls and women. The music video was shared by the wife of rapper Jay-Z on her Facebook page with the caption: "Today is #DayoftheGirl. Girls around the world are fighting for their freedom every day." With the description is the link to the Global Girls page where viewers can donate for the cause. One fan described the video as "sensational, phenomenal."

The video encourages people to stop all kinds of violence, send all girls to school, halt the spreading of HIV, and to cease child marriage by 2030. It also calls for an action from viewers to help attain these goals in six years. It is directed by M.J. Delaney and produced by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Project Everyone, and Unicef.

"Freedom" is part of Beyoncé's "Lemonade" album, which won the Grammy Award for best urban contemporary album. It was also nominated as the album of the year by the same award-giving body.


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