If you are planning to visit the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C. next year, here's some exciting news: The museum is starting to get filled and recently got its first display.
A replica of the Liberty Bell—an icon of American independence used to summon lawmakers and citizens for public meetings during the early days—is the first display to arrive at the Bible Museum in the U.S. capital.
Museum of the Bible President Cary Summers explained that the replica, called "The Spirit of Liberty Bell," is a fitting first display for the museum, since it symbolises the significance of the Holy Scriptures to the U.S. as a nation.
"The Liberty Bell exemplifies how the Bible is interwoven into American history from the nation's earliest years," Summers said, as quoted by Charisma News.
He also pointed out that this important piece of American history has a Bible verse engraved on it: "Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof," taken from the Book of Leviticus in the Old Testament.
"By quoting Leviticus, we literally see the Bible's influence forged into one of America's most enduring symbols of the founding ideals of freedom, equality and independence," Summers said.
What's more exciting is the fact that unlike the original Liberty Bell, guests of the Bible Museum will be able to ring "The Spirit of Liberty Bell" when the place opens late next year. The bell stands six feet tall, weighs 3,200 pounds, and peals in E-flat, the same key as the original.
The original replica of the Liberty Bell was given to the Bible Museum by Dr. Peter Lillback, founder of the Providence Forum and received by the museum's curator of Americana, Norm Conrad. It was manufactured at Whitechapel Foundry in London where the original Liberty Bell was produced, and started traveling to Washington D.C. last June.