Season 10 of the "Big Bang Theory" ended with less of a bang and more of a cliffhanger, and fans have been waiting eagerly for news about the next season. Mayim Bialik did not disappoint, sharing news about the upcoming season in a spoiler-free blog post where she documents touring the set of the show.
Bialik, who plays harp-playing neurobiologist Amy Farrah Fowler on the "Big Bang Theory," wrote an extensive but spoiler-free blog post of her touring the set of the CBS sitcom.
"Being back with the cast is wonderful," the 41-year-old actress wrote, adding, "It's like coming back to your sophomore year of high school but your school is only eight people and you all like being together and missed each other."
The last season showed Sheldon Cooper (Jim Parsons) impulsively getting on a plane to Princeton, New Jersey and proposing to Amy after he accidentally entertained an inappropriate relationship with one of his colleagues.
Bialik wrote on her blog how she herself had no idea about what Amy would tell Sheldon, or even if the first episode of the season would reveal Amy's answer.
The good news for fans, however, is that season 11 episode 1 will be taking off where the last season left fans waiting.
"They could have done a thousand different storylines to keep you all waiting... but they pick up right where we left off," Bialik wrote. "I mean literally – RIGHT WHERE WE LEFT OFF. As in: same set, same body position, same robe for me and barely any make-up."
Bialik is not the only one teasing fans with hints about the upcoming season. Kunal Nayyar, who plays Raj Koothrappali, posted a selfie on Instagram captioned, "Lock up your daughters... Raj is baaayackkkk! #aintnopartylikeakoothraparty"
Bialik also posted a selfie of her and Parsons earlier, showing the two on the set of the "Big Bang Theory."
Season 11 of "Big Bang Theory" will premiere on Monday, Sept. 25, at 8 p.m. EDT on CBS.