Jesus Christ never pressured people into giving Him money. In fact, there is no evidence of Him ever asking people for money.
World-renowned evangelist Billy Graham says the only verse that revealed how Jesus supported His ministry and little band of disciples is Luke 8:3, which says that a few women of wealth quietly supported His work.
In his column in The Kansas City Star, Graham writes that people should not draw the wrong conclusion from the verse. "Every ministry needs financial support, and it's not wrong to make God's people aware of those needs and seek their help," says Graham. "The Apostle Paul, for example, went out of his way to urge churches to give money for Christians who were in great need. This giving, he wrote, 'is not only supplying the needs of the Lord's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God' (2 Corinthians 9:12)."
Graham reminds people that everything they have, including their money, is a gift from God. "We can't take credit for it, nor should we use it selfishly or thoughtlessly. Instead, we should seek to use it wisely and for God's glory. When we give to God's work, we are only returning to Him a portion of what He has already given us," he says.
Of course, there may be times when the church and its leaders may be seen placing too much attention on the church's finances. Graham says that issue is between pastors and God. Even though ministry leaders may be perceived at times as putting too much weight on money by asking for more tithes, this should not keep congregants "from being as generous as you possibly can."
"Instead, let Christ be your example in your giving. In heaven He possessed everything, and yet He sacrificed it all — even His life — so we could be saved," reminds Graham.