People are wondering how bad the world's condition must be before Jesus Christ makes His second coming. Given today's sorry state of affairs, it appears that His return is becoming more imminent, according to renowned evangelist Billy Graham.
In an article he wrote for The Kansas City Star, Graham said the Bible provides several warnings against predicting the exact time of Jesus' return, although people may very well be living in the last days now. Even though people remain unsure when He is coming back, Graham says they can at least be assured that His return is certain.
He then shared the Bible verse from Romans 13:12: "The night is nearly over; the day is almost here."
"Shortly before returning to heaven Jesus told His disciples that someday He would come back to establish His kingdom. But before that could take place, He said, certain things would have to happen, and we see many of these today," Graham said.
One example Jesus cited in Mark 13:10 was that the Gospel must first be preached throughout the world. This might have seemed impossible decades ago, but modern technology has brought the world together. The Gospel is now being preached all across the globe through the radio, television, and the Internet.
Another sign Jesus gave is that Satan will have a "final attempt to halt God's work through a massive onslaught of evil," Graham said.
"Our world is no stranger to evil; Satan has always been working to stop God's plans. But God's enemies now have access to modern weapons of mass destruction, and no one can predict what the outcome will be," he said. "Jesus said, 'You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. ... Nation will rise against nation' (Matthew 24:6-7)."
Graham said people must be able to question themselves now if they are ready for Christ's return. If they are not, they can be only if they turn to Him and put all their faith and trust in Him.
"Don't take his warnings lightly, but commit your life without delay to Jesus Christ," he said.