"Where did God come from?"
A six-year-old boy has been asking this question to his father who admitted that he could not answer such a question. The father then relayed the question to Rev. Billy Graham through his syndicated column in the Kansas City Star.
The world renowned evangelist then provided a classic answer to this timeless question. "God has always existed, and He always will, because He had no beginning and He will have no end," he said.
Graham acknowledges that the concept is incomprehensible even to an adult human mind that is used to seeing things that have beginnings and ends.
"I know that's hard for us to understand, because everything around us had a beginning, and some day everything will die or come to an end.
"But that's not true of God. He has no beginning or end; He alone is eternal. As the Bible says, 'Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting You are God,' (Psalm 90:2)," Graham wrote.
Since God is infinite, finite human beings can't fully comprehend His awesome power. "God is infinite, and we'll never fully understand His greatness — not on this side of eternity," the founder of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association said.
Graham said it is important for people to understand the eternal nature of God because it provides a sharp contrast to humankind's limitations. "We are limited, but He is not, so why not put our lives into His hands?" he asked.
Graham said because of God's eternal nature He never changes, and neither does His love for man.
"The proof is that He came down from Heaven and became a human being: Jesus Christ," Graham said. "He did this so we could be forgiven of our sins and go to be with Him in Heaven forever."
He said since God is truly great, He is worthy of man's worship and trust.