There are some people who seem to do well in life by cheating on others. As tempting as it might be to follow their lead to get ahead, evangelist Billy Graham is discouraging people from doing so because the merits of cheating are only temporary and will not last.
"You've probably looked around you and seen people who appeared to be getting ahead by being less than honest—and in the short term perhaps they were," he writes on his website. "But at what cost? In the long term they are on a dead-end road—and so will you be, if you decide to follow their example."
Graham says cheaters might get away with their misdeeds from time to time, but eventually, what they are doing will catch up on them and they will have to face the consequences.
"People they cheat will eventually realize what has happened—and stop doing business with them or even wanting their friendship. Instead of being liked, they'll end up being mistrusted and even hated," adds Graham.
He says the Bible verse Proverbs 17:20 serves as a good reminder for Christians not to cut corners. It reads, "One whose heart is corrupt does not prosper; one whose tongue is perverse falls into trouble."
Graham also says that people need to stop and reconsider what their priorities in life are. Even if people are moved by honesty and integrity, they will not obtain true peace and happiness if the only things they are working hard to attain are wealth and power.
"Instead I urge you to turn to Jesus Christ and make Him your life's foundation. God made you, and Christ loves you. Don't be deceived by the false promises of wealth and success, but make it your goal to put Christ first and become His follower," he urges his readers.