A young man graduating from college wrote to world-renowned evangelist Billy Graham, telling him that he's about to get married. He wants to become a good husband, but he's afraid that he won't be one because he comes from a broken family.
But Graham assures him that with God's help, he can be—because being a good husband is what God wants His male children to become. He quotes Ephesians 5:25: "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her."
On his website, Graham shares tips on how a husband can become the good spouse that his wife needs. "First, see your marriage as a gift from God. God brought you together, and He is even more concerned about your marriage than you are," he says. "When you go through hard times as a couple (and you will), never forget that God gave your marriage to you, and He is with you."
Jesus even says in Matthew 19:6 that husbands and wives "are no longer two, but one flesh" when they get married. Hence, married couples should think and operate as a single unit once they tie the knot. To do so, Graham says that couples should learn to overcome their selfishness and consider their partner's interests first.
"True love means we want what is best not for ourselves but for the other person. A friend once told me, 'When I wake up in the morning, I always stop and ask God to help me find ways to bless my wife today.' That's good advice," he shares.
But most importantly, Graham says couples should build their marriage, as well as their lives, on Jesus Christ. "Pray and read God's Word together, and seek His will in all things. Help and encourage each other also, and seek your wife's forgiveness when you're thoughtless or insensitive. Christ gave His life for us; learn to give your lives to each other," he says.