Billy Graham urges Christians to show love, kindness, understanding even to atheists

Evangelist Billy Graham says that God loves even the unlovable, such as atheists who refuse to believe in Him. (Facebook/Billy Graham)

Even if Christians and atheists are poles apart, legendary American evangelist Billy Graham believes that Christians should still show them love, kindness, and understanding.

"Some Christians, I'm afraid, don't want anything to do with people who are different from them. But God loves them, and so should we!" he wrote on an article for the Kansas City Star. He quoted the Bible verse Colossians 4:5. which says: "Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity."

Graham reprinted a question asked him by someone who wanted to seek his view regarding the questioner's atheist friend.

The question goes: "Recently an atheist friend of mine was in a serious car accident, but escaped with only minor injuries. I'd hoped it would make him stop and think about God, but instead he only laughs and congratulates himself on his good luck. Why won't he admit that it was God who spared his life? — A.F."

In response, Graham said even though the atheist might not like to acknowledge God's hand in his survival, it cannot be denied that it was God who really saved his life.

"I believe He did this so your friend would have another opportunity to turn to Christ and discover the hope and peace he alone can give," he said.

The atheist does not believe in God, but if he sees his Christian neighbor helping him and being a good example in living out his life for Jesus, then the atheist may not be able any more to deny God's goodness and power.

"The most important thing you can do is pray for your friend. Right now he has hardened his heart against God, and logic alone won't change him (although you should be prepared to challenge his ideas if God gives you an opportunity). But God can change him, and you should pray that he will," he said.

"In addition, ask God to help you be an example to him of a life that has been changed by Jesus Christ. Does he see Christ's love and joy and peace in you? Right now he wants to run his own life, but that is a dead-end road. Ask God to use you to show him there is another way, the way of Christ," said Graham.

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