Billy Graham warns parents of the negative impact today's television shows have on children


There is plenty of danger in letting kids watch whatever TV shows they like nowadays since many programmes—even cartoon shows—are now promoting sex, violence and homosexuality, among many other nefarious things.

Evangelist Billy Graham says parents must make sure to monitor the shows their children are watching; otherwise, their children might grow up copying all the wrong things they've learned from TV.

"Raising our children is one of the most important responsibilities God gives us, and neglecting it or leaving it to others can be disastrous. The Bible says, 'Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it' (Proverbs 22:6)," he writes on his website.

Graham warns that some TV shows have a negative impact on children that will disable them from distinguishing the difference between right and wrong, unless their parents are present to teach them about it.

"They're also deeply influenced by television and films—something that wasn't true a few generations ago," he writes. What impact will a steady diet of violence, sexual immorality, greed, and so forth have on them—especially if no one instructs them otherwise? The Bible bluntly says, 'Hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil' (1 Thessalonians 5:21-22)."

For parents who have made the mistake of giving their children too much freedom watching inappropriate shows and films, Graham urges them to commit their lives and their families to Jesus Christ.

"God loves you, and He is more concerned about your children than you are. Make Christ your foundation, and begin rebuilding your family on God's will," he says. "Then ask God to help you give more attention to your children. Do things together as a family—teach your children how they should live (both by your example and your words), pray with them, monitor what they watch, and seek out a church with an active Christ-centered youth program."

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