A woman who cheated on her husband found out that her husband had been cheating on her as well. She figured they would just get a divorce and remain with their lovers, but when she got dumped, the woman was at a loss on what to do.
When she told world-renowned evangelist Billy Graham about it, he wrote back, saying that those who break the sacrament of marriage will face consequences.
"Both you and your husband got into this mess (and I'm afraid that's what it is, a mess) because you deliberately disobeyed the vow you made before God when you were married: to be faithful to each other as long as you lived," he writes for The Kansas City Star.
Graham says both the woman and her husband did not take their vows seriously, and might not have thought about it much. However, God took their vows seriously. When people disobey God, they can be certain of bad things happening.
"Wouldn't it have been far better if you and your husband had been committed to your marriage and done all you could to make it stronger? Of course. Jesus' words concerning marriage are just as valid today as they were when he first spoke them: 'Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate' (Mark 10:9)," he says.
Graham hopes the woman would not misunderstand his words, or think that he's being harsh and uncaring. Since people can do nothing to change the past, the evangelist simply hopes that the woman's situation will serve as a warning to others who are thinking of breaking their vows with their spouses.
"You can change the future, and I pray you will, with God's help," says Graham. "Turn to Christ for the forgiveness you need, and then ask Him to come into your life and heal your marriage. God loves you, and no matter what the future holds for you, we are never alone when we know Christ."