The Bishop of Taunton is one of many Christians who have responded to the call to fast during Lent in solidarity with Brits going hungry.
Bishop Peter Maurice will be fasting every Wednesday throughout Lent as part of the End Hunger Fast campaign.
"The number of people needing food aid is still rising. This is an opportunity to show solidarity with the thousands going hungry in Britain today," he said.
"I pledge to fast every Wednesday between now and Easter, and I urge others to consider showing their support too, by taking part in a nationwide day of fasting on 4 April."
Bishops in the Church of England have been vocal in their call to the UK Government to do more to end the escalation in people going without enough to eat.
Foodbank operator the Trussell Trust has published figures revealing that over 600,000 received emergency food handouts from its distribution centres between April and December last year.
British hospitals are also reporting a rise in admissions relating to malnutrition. At health trusts in Somerset, 215 people were admitted in the last year, up from 30 in 2008. Nationally admissions are up from 3,000 to 5,500 since 2008.
People can pledge to join the day of fasting at www.endhungerfast.co.uk