Thursday on "The Bold and the Beautiful," Ivy woke up at the beach house and she told Wyatt that she saw Aly in her dream and that she wanted her to bring Steffy to justice. She watched the footage from her phone and said that although Aly was unstable, she didn't deserve what Steffy did to her. Wyatt told her not to worry and said that he had Liam and Steffy to thank for having Ivy with him. Ivy said that she's his and there's no going back.
Later, Ivy said that people owe her for not going to the police. She knows that Ridge is expanding the line, and Wyatt wondered if she wants to be the face of Forrester Creations. Ivy said that it can be her and Maya, and she could make sure that the new campaign won't be too risqué as a way to honor Aly. Wyatt approved of her plan.
Meanwhile at Forrester Creations, Steffy told Thomas that Ivy should back off or she'd go after her. Thomas said that she only defended herself when Aly attacked her, but if she went after Ivy, things could get worse. Liam arrived and told Steffy that the press wanted to talk to her about Aly's death.
Liam and Steffy looked over the jewelry and admired Quinn's designs, but Steffy said that Ivy's work is not as impressive. She wondered if Forrester is the right fit for Ivy. Wyatt arrived and berated the pair, saying that Ivy is great at what she's doing. Steffy realized that he and Ivy are together now.
Thomas and Ivy argued about the video, and he said he didn't tell Steffy about it and that she should delete it. Thomas argued that all Steffy did was protect herself and thought that Ivy must want something. Ivy said that she wants to be the face of Forrester Creations.
Here's what to expect on "The Bold and the Beautiful" on Friday, Aug. 14: Ivy announces her desire for a more prominent position in the company; Bill and Katie think about the positives in their lives.
"The Bold and the Beautiful" airs from Monday to Friday at 1:30 p.m. on CBS.