Reconciliation is urgently needed to heal the 'complex divisions' in British society exposed by the debate over Brexit, the Baptist Union of Great Britain has said.
The BUGB said the political debates over Britain's future and its relationship with the European Union were 'painful' and that the language of the discussions had become increasingly 'vitriolic'.
After the defeat of the Government's Brexit deal in the House of Commons this week, Prime Minister Theresa May has reached out to Labour leader Jeremy Corybn to hold talks on a way out of the deadlock. He has demanded that the Prime Minister first guarantee that a no deal Brexit is taken off the table, a condition Mrs May has said is 'impossible' to meet.
Despite calls for a second referendum, Mrs May has reportedly said this is not being considered by the Government.
As Britain tries to move forward, the BUGB said it was important that Christians model 'deep listening' and work towards reconciliation.
It also urged people not to reduce their sense of identity to whether they were a 'leaver' or 'remainer' but rather remember their 'common humanity, as we are all created in the love of God'.
'None of the political paths now available can pretend that this conversation surrounding our national and individual identities has not happened; they all leave us with that lack of peace,' it said.
'It is essential, as we move forward, that as churches we do not seek to paper over the cracks, but we model a deep listening, working towards a reconciliation that can re-build communities and the country.
'We hold that not only should we be careful in our own use of language, but that healthy national debate also involves creating a culture where all can be heard.'
The BUGB has published this prayer to be used for Brexit:
Gracious God, We offer you our country with all of our weaknesses and strengths, vulnerability and power, anger and hope. Help us to hear you and to listen to one another and, as we do, give us the direction we need. Disturb us where we must yet seek peace, and comfort us with the peace that you give us, and over all things we continue to pray, your will be done, your Kingdom come Amen.