A four-year-old British boy dubbed "Jihadi Junior" was shown executing three alleged prisoners in a recent propaganda film released by the Islamic State (ISIS).
The chilling video of the boy identified as Isa Dare blowing up alleged spies tied up inside a vehicle was published on Monday, according to the Daily Mail.
Dare's mother, Grace "Khadija," is a convert to Islam who has sworn allegiance to the jihadist group.
The video reportedly begins with a close-up shot of the boy, who is dressed in military fatigue and a black ISIS headband. Dare then shouts and points to a white vehicle in the distance where three men are restrained inside. A teenage fighter then walks around the vehicle, reaches in and removes hoods from the hostages' head before joining the young boy and addressing the viewer.
Addressing British Prime Minister David Cameron, the unidentified teen fighter says: "You will never fight us except behind fortified fortresses or behind walls...You've only done two things. Firstly, when you sent your spies to Syria and when you authorised for your men, thousands of miles away, to push a button to kill our brothers who lived in the West. So today, we're going to kill your spies the same way they helped you kill our brothers. So prepare your army and gather your nations as we too are preparing our army."
The camera then cuts back to the little boy who gives an OK sign with his left hand. He says, "We will kill kuffar [non believers],'' pointing to the unarmed men inside the vehicle who allegedly had confessed to being spies. The child is then shown with a remote control device in his hand. After he presses the button, the white vehicle explodes presumably with the hostages still inside, according to reports.
The explosion is replayed several times before the child appears next to the charred remains of the vehicle, cheering "Allahu Akbar'' and waving his arm in the air.
The Independent reported that Dare has appeared in at least two ISIS propaganda films in the last 12 months, which earned him the name "Jihadi Junior.'' He was reportedly brainwashed after his mother took him to Syria three years ago.
Dare's mother, Grace was a Christian raised in London. She fled to Syria with her son in 2012 where she married Swedish ISIS fighter Abu Bakr, who is now presumed dead.
Henry, Grace's father, meanwhile believes that the ISIS had brainwashed or indoctrinated his daughter and used his grandson for propaganda purposes.
He recalled that days before the boy was forced to appear in the first video last month, he had begged him to save him.
He said he was stunned to see his grandson is the boy everyone is now calling Jihadi Junior, the Daily Mail reported.