"Call of Duty: Black Ops 3" developer Treyarch just released the latest patch of the game on Tuesday, Dec. 8. A week later, on Dec. 15, the patch notes were published.
Known as update 4, as reported by Gotta Be Mobile, the patch introduces different changes to the game that should affect the overall gaming experience for players.
The update for PlayStation 4 is 3 GB in size, while the Xbox One update takes up 1 GB of space. The developer has yet to release the personal computer (PC) patch.
The major changes include a buffed Hellstorm; enhanced wraith defense; Medal and Challenge tracking fixes; Brass Knuckles Tuant fixes; Black Market's looping sound; and missing images fixes.
The patch also improved the firearms, making them more efficient in their power. This applies to all weapons, from pistols to the more powerful assault rifles. However, rockets and grenades were not improved, Breathecast noted.
Most changes that come with the update intend to improve the game performance by eliminating bugs. There are also major changes to make multiplayer gaming experience better so that players can coordinate their attacks when working with other players.
Another update from the December patch for "Black Ops 3" is the booting out of idle players. David Vonderhaar, Treyarch's studio design director took to Twitter on Dec. 17 to announce that the changes "aggressively kick players who like to sit idle in games."
Full patch notes can be found in this link.
Apart from the game updates, players can now start buying Rare Supply Drops using the Call of Duty Points, the game's virtual currency in PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, instead of waiting for Cryptokeys to accumulate while playing the game.
Players usually begin with 200 points of the in-game currency, Australia Network News reported. To get more points, a player will need to shell out real money, which can be anywhere between $2 and $40.