It seems Nazis are not the only invaders in "Call of Duty: WWII, as hackers and cheaters did their dirty work in the open beta for the upcoming WWII first-person shooter game.
Three days after the launch of the open beta, several reports of cheaters prowling the game surfaced despite Valve's Anti-Cheat (VAC) System for Steam.
A Reddit thread by JakeBloodDragon even discussed that it had become increasingly difficult for normal players to find a clean session in the open beta of "Call of Duty: WWII." The poster went on to say that he had five consecutive games with different hackers in them.
The most common hack was supposedly an "aimbot," a program which does the pinpoint precision aiming for the hackers so all they had to do was simply pull the trigger. The degree of rampant cheating caused major concern for the other players given that there is only one month left until the full game gets released. Players were worried that the hacking may persist even in the full release version.
With the advent of hackers and cheaters, a majority of the player base for the open beta of "Call of Duty: WWII" held the game in low regard, and the Steam reviews for the open beta came in at 74 percent negative. Apart from the hacking, the poor beta performance, small maps, and supposedly outdated graphics have held the game back from being a pleasant experience.
According to Game Debate, a solution for the hackers and cheaters is unlikely. At the time of writing, developer Sledgehammer and publisher Activision have yet to comment on the issue. Still, the WWII setting has proven itself as a popular selling point of the game since the game has been reported to be five times as popular as "Infinite Warfare," which was the last iteration of the "Call of Duty" franchise.
The open beta for "Call of Duty: WWII" has already ended, and the full game will be available on Nov. 3 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows.