Christians are being asked to remember Christian children living in contexts of persecution.
The call has gone out from Barnabas Fund ahead of Suffering Church Action Week from 27 October to 3 November.
This year the action week remembers 'children of courage' and they will be the focus of a worldwide day of prayer falling on 1 November.
Barnabas Fund said children often suffer "most acutely" in contexts of persecution and are "easy targets for violence or injustice".
This is particularly the case where Christians are caught up in conflict, Barnabas Fund said, noting the situation in Syria, where many Christian children are malnourished, sick and experiencing bereavement.
Persecution can also play out in the school, where Christian children can experience aggression, discrimination in exams and be pressured to change their faith, the charity said.
"As conditions worsen for persecuted Christian minorities, especially in the wake of the growing strength of Islamism since the Arab Spring, Christian children will need to be courageous in the years ahead," said Barnabas Fund.
"In many ways, this is also true of Christian young people in the West, who need to stand firm in their faith at a time when it is being publicly undermined and marginalised. They too need our prayer and support."
A free resource pack put together by Barnabas Fund includes a Suffering Church Sunday service outline, ideas for a fundraising and coffee morning event, a children's session and Bible study.
Order resources at www.childrenofcourage.org